I was part of a team that automated the library catalog back in the 1990's. When the technology center and library finally had the catalog on-line, the Dean of the Library thought the card catalog should remain on the floor. It was quickly removed when the students no...
A memory by Mary Anna Sieber ’69
I so remember moving the library. We were asked to stay in order so that the books could be properly put in the new library. Just like ants, we stayed in line and completed the task. It was a good day and gave us some Raider Pride. A reward was a very nice evening...
A memory by Madison Groninger
My favorite memory was meeting my freshman and current senior year roommate, best friend, and teammate Jennica Pearson. She and I were random roommates. I had no idea what to expect from college being first-generation and living with a stranger! What I will never...

A memory by Ray Reber ’55
Our Lunch Bunch started in 1996 with six guys from the classes of '54 and '55. The very first lunch was held at the Lyndon Diner in Manheim, PA. The group has maintained and strengthened friendships and relationships after graduation from the Shippensburg State...

A memory by Nate Douty ’78, ’13M
Heiges field house was one of the reasons I chose Ship. It was recently built when I enrolled for the 1974 fall semester. For 3 years my friends and I bowled in leagues in the "basement" of the field house. On the weekends we would play basketball in the field house...
A memory by Gene Mizdail ’88
“Look out the Window” It was a Thursday, just a few years after 9-11. People were still on the edge from the tragic loss of so much life lost at that event now over 20 years ago. I looked out the window to see a rather large mysterious looking box. I could tell right...

A memory by James D’Annibale ’10
I went to summer orientation with the goal of getting a phone number from a girl. I met my future wife that day. We got married at the Old Main fountain exactly 4 years later to the day.

A memory by Jane Yost
My brother Fred B. Hockersmith was a professor at Ship.

A memory by Jane Yost
This is my father, R. Lee Hockersmith, class of 1929.
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